Monday, November 30, 2009

His Favor

Let me begin by asking you one simple question, do you display Gods favor? Favor is one of Gods greatest attributes. Favor isn’t like a gift that we receive such as the gift of healing or prophecy but it is a part of or Christian DNA. I like to think of it as telling someone, o what beautiful eyes you have, or you have your mother’s nose. Therefore Gods favor is ingrained in our lives that cause people to be drawn to us. It was this same favor that caused me to be captivated by my wife’s beauty. Proverbs 18:22 tells us, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.” I am convinced that Joanna and I were drawn to each other first and for most because of Gods favor in our lives.

I am happy to welcome Joanna to the SOHI family as we were joined in marriage on June 20th, 2009. God blessed and enabled us to have a wonderful wedding with all of our friends and family. I ask you to keep us in prayer as we know that the best days are ahead for us. My friend, let favor draw you today to everything that God may have for you. I kindly tell you in love, stop trying to force things to happen and let Gods favor make a way that only it can do. Give up your control and let God be in control. Until next time, God Bless you!

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